Culture in Quarantine: Politics & Philosophy
Faced with the pandemic and the necessity of social distancing this March, YIVO quickly pivoted to online learning and Live online programming in order to provide for our community—both local and global. Here’s a roundup of our recent philosophy and politics-related programs.
Brider un shvester fun arbet un noyt. A geshikhte fun 'bund.'Aired: July 27, 2020Lecture| Jack Jacobs delves into the history of the Bund, and its ideological development, and examines both the reasons for the Bund’s success and the party’s limitations. (Delivered in Yiddish.)
Confronting Hitler's Professors: Yiddish scholarship and the NazisAired: July 21, 2020Lecture| Kalman Weiser explores how German scholar Franz Beranek presented himself to Jewish colleagues and how Jewish colleagues sought to respond to him as a person and to his scholarship in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
Eating Right and Left: Food and Political Alignment in the Yiddish PressAired: June 29, 2020Lecture | Eve Jochnowitz examines what values Yiddish writers in Europe, the Americas, and Palestine considered “liberal,” and how they saw food practices. Part of the 2020 Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series. (Delivered in Yiddish)
A Brief History of the BundAired: April 2, 2020Lecture | Joshua Meyers (Harry Starr Fellow in Judaica Harvard University) presents a brief history of the Jewish Labor Bund