Jan 1, 2023

NY Jewish Week, A new play tells the true story of a former Hasid who translated the New Testament into Yiddish (December 21, 2023, mention)
Topic » A Very Jewish Christmas

CNN, The rush to save Ukraine's precious Jewish legacy (December 10, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

Bernardinai, J. Brentas: radikalios kairiosios ir dešiniosios ideologijos yra pagrindinės antisemitizmo kurstytojos (December 20, 2023)
Topic » Ideologies of Hate and Hope in Modern Jewish History Conference

The Forward, The first new full-length American Yiddish drama in decades is set to take the stage (December 15, 2023, mention)
Topic » A Very Jewish Christmas

The Schmooze, Shir Hashirim (The Song of Songs): A Yiddish Operetta (December 10, 2023)
Topic » Shir Hashirim — An Operetta by Rumshinsky and Shor

The Forward, Love triangles and arias abound in this reconstructed 1911 Yiddish comic operetta (December 8, 2023)
Topic » Shir Hashirim — An Operetta by Rumshinsky and Shor

Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, The Antanas Ulpis Humanitarian Award for contribution to the development of relations and understanding between Lithuania and Jews has been established (November 27, 2023)
Topic » Antanas Ulpis Humanitarian Award

The Forward, ?בלוטיקער פֿאָלקלאָר“ – װי אַזױ האָבן ייִדן געזונגען אין אַ צײַט פֿון גזירות און אומקום„ (October 17, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO News

Vermont Movement News, Discussion at YIVO of left wing antisemetism (October 17, 2023)
Topic » Antisemitism and the Left

New Jersey Jewish News, Wait! Yiddish in Palestine? Really? (October 5, 2023, picked up by Jewish Standard)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

I Care If You Listen, Video Premiere: Shepherdess Performs Lainie Fefferman’s “A Sweet & Righteous Soul Gets Drunk On Champagne” (October 4, 2023)
Topic » Continuing Evolution: Yiddish Folksong Today

JTA, 25 years after opening, Yiddish Book Center overhauls its core exhibit for a wider audience (October 1, 2023, mention)
Topic » Jewish News

JTA, Vilnius is celebrating its 700th anniversary. Lithuanian Jews are commemorating a darker one. (September 24, 2023, mention, picked up by Jewish Exponent)
Topic » YIVO News

Shalom, Il presidente della Lituania rende omaggio a chi salvò i libri del Ghetto di Vilna durante la Shoah (September 22, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

AJN - Agencia de Noticias, Nausėda JAV sakys kalbą JT Generalinėje asamblėjoje (September 21, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

TV3, Nausėda JAV sakys kalbą JT Generalinėje asamblėjoje (September 20, 2023, mention, picked up by Jūsų Panevėžys, Kauno diena, Vakary Ekspresas, Verslo žinios, and 15min)
Topic » YIVO News

Etaplius, G. Nausėda JT asamblėjoje kreipėsi į tarptautinę bendruomenę: ragina labiau spausti Rusiją nutraukti karą Ukrainoje (September 20, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO News

JTA, In New York, Lithuania’s president honors those who saved Jewish artifacts during and after the Holocaust (September 19, 2023, picked up by Times of Israel, Arutz Sheva, St. Louis Jewish Light, Forward, South Florida Sun Sentinel, Qoshe, and TechJaun)
Topic » YIVO News

Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija, Prezidentas Niujorke atidengė bibliotekininko ir bibliografo Antano Ulpio memorialinę lentelę (September 19, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

President of the Republic of Lithuania, The President unveiled a memorial plaque to the librarian and bibliographer Antanas Ulpis in New York (September 19, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

BNN, Commemorative Plaque for Antanas Ulpis Unveiled: Honoring the Preservation of Jewish Literature During WWII (September 19, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

YNetNews, 'Zionism was a revolution, and revolutions have victims - one of these victims was Yiddish' (September 17, 2023, also in Hebrew)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

JNS, Exhibit spans 16th-century Jewish maternal guilt-trip to modern Hebraists beating up Yiddishists (September 11, 2023, picked up by Cleveland Jewish News and Columbus Jewish News)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

Forward, How Yiddish became a ‘foreign language’ in Israel despite being spoken there since the 1400s (September 11, 2023)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

Cleveland Jewish News, Cleveland Heights woman can’t get enough Yiddish (September 8, 2023)
Topic » Uriel Weinreich Summer Program

Australian Jewish News, YIVO Australian Visit a Success, Youngsters Interested in Yiddish (September 8, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News / Yiddish

Australian Jewish News, The Future (September 7, 2023,mention)
Topic » YIVO News / Yiddish

Haaretz, When Speaking Yiddish Could Get You Beaten Up by Jews in Tel Aviv (September 7, 2023)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

New York Jewish Week, Israeli Hebrew didn’t kill Yiddish. As a new exhibit in NYC shows, it gave it a new nest to live in. (September 5, 2023, picked up by Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, and Washington Jewish Week)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

Detroit Jewish News, Multilingual Scholar Graduates from YIVO's Yiddish Program with Unique Linguistic Goals (September 3, 2023)
Topic » Uriel Weinreich Summer Program

Jewish Renaissance, We Wish You a Merry Nitl (Autumn 2023)
Topic » The Yiddishists / YIVO Archives

St. Louis Jewish Light, Jewish Light readers get exclusive first look at new Yiddish exhibit in NYC (August 31, 2023)
Topic » Palestinian Yiddish: A Look at Yiddish in the Land of Israel Before 1948

Jewish Art Journeys, Glimpses of Art at Lublin's Peretz School in the 1930s, by Jennifer Stern (August 27, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO Archives

The Jewish News of Northern California, Honors, comings and goings, happenings, opportunities — August 2023 (August 25, 2023, mention)
Topic » Uriel Weinreich Summer Program

The Yiddish Voice, Nick Underwood: Yiddish Paris; Dovid Braun: Yiddish Studies at YIVO: an Update (August 23, 2023)
Topic » Max Weinreich Center

The Forward, “חוה לאַפּין: „קענען ייִדיש קען מען נאָר פֿון שלינגען ביכער, פֿון רעדן און פֿון שרײַבן (August 7, 2023)
Topic » Chava Lapin

JNS, After 15 years at YIVO’s helm, Jonathan Brent is bullish on the Jewish future (August 4, 2023, picked up by Cleveland Jewish News, St. Louis Jewish Light, Crescent City Jewish News, and Columbus Jewish News)
Topic » International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage Magazine, “A Language I Come Home To”: Yiddish in the Jewish Diaspora (August 1, 2023, mention)
Topic » Yiddish

JNS Wire, YIVO’s Summer Program brings together cadre of students from diverse backgrounds (August 1, 2023)
Topic » Uriel Weinreich Summer Program

Tablet Magazine, A Language and a Way of Life (July 27, 2023)
Topic » Shloyshim for Chava Lapin

Jewish Unpacked, Why is Yiddish making a comeback? (July 25, 2023, mention)
Topic » Yiddish

Tablet Magazine, A Yiddish Musical Treasury (July 21, 2023, mention)
Topic » Ruth Rubin’s Legacy of Yiddish Song

Washington Jewish Week, Visitors Get a Taste of Jewish Religion and Culture at Smithsonian Folklife Festival (July 13, 2023)
Topic » Smithsonian Folklife Festival

ListVerse, 10 WWII Discoveries Kept Secret or Hidden for Decades (July 9, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Library and Archives

The Forward, Smithsonian festival to include Yiddish concert, blintzes and pickling workshops (June 30, 2023)
Topic » Smithsonian Folklife Festival

The Forward, This year’s Smithsonian Folklife Festival explores the importance of Yiddishkeit in American culture (June 30, 2023)
Topic » Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Smithsonian Magazine, The 2023 Smithsonian Folklife Festival Explores the Many Ways Americans Express Their Spirituality (June 29, 2023)
Topic » Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Jewish Book Council, The Buried Trea­sures of the Paper Brigade (June 28, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Unearthed

The Jewish Chronicle, Quest to discover the lost actress of Vilnius who is full of mystery (June 23, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Unearthed

Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage Magazine, A Song Still Vital: Preserving and Reviving Yiddish Folk Music (June 20, 2023)
Topic » Smithsonian Folklife Festival / Continuing Evolution: Yiddish Folksong Today

The Rebbe, Fire and Ink: Selected Correspondence Between Chaim Grade and the Rebbe (June 2023, mention)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

Tablet Magazine, The Summer of Yiddish Song (June 8, 2023)
Topic » Yiddish Music / A Dying Person (A Goyses) / Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series

JTA, The hora, the hora! How Jewish wedding music got that way (June 5, 2023, picked up by Jerusalem Post and Texas Jewish Post)
Topic » Yiddish to the Core: Wedding Music and Jewish Identity in Postwar New York City

In Geveb, Daughterhood (May 25, 2023, mention)
Topic » Yiddish

Jewish Link of New Jersey, Just Another Extraordinary Week at Yeshivat Frisch (May 24, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Learning and Media Center

Jewish Standard, Not a native speaker — but naturalized (May 16, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

Jewish Renaissance, Matzah Bakers of the World, Unite! (Spring 2023)
Topic » The Yiddishists / YIVO Archives

The Forward, Dovid Braun is appointed YIVO’s Academic Advisor in Yiddish (May 1, 2023, also in Yiddish)
Topic » YIVO News

Times of Israel, New projects aim to keep Borscht Belt memory alive with historical markers, museum (April 29, 2023, mention)
Topic » Jewish News

Hudson Valley One, New Borscht Belt museum coming to Ellenville (April 28, 2023, mention)
Topic » Jewish News

JNS Wire, YIVO appoints academic advisor in Yiddish language, pedagogy and linguistics (April 26, 2023, picked up by Jewish Ledger)
Topic » YIVO News

Center for Jewish History Blog, “A Very Ticklish Problem”: The AJC Response to the Rosenberg Trial & Execution (April 25, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Jewish History

amNY, Manhattan getting millions in federal grants to boost museum education and research programs (April 21, 2023)
Topic » YIVO News

כאן חדשותלוחמי הנייר: היהודים מגטו וילנה שהצילו את אוצרות העם היהודי (April 18, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Paper Brigade

El Pais, Vilnius a través de la memoria de la Brigada de Papel y los libros salvados de las garras de los nazis (April 15, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Paper Brigade

Euro ES Euro, Vilnius through the memory of The Paper Brigade and the books saved from the clutches of the Nazis | The traveler (April 15, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / Paper Brigade

The Forward, What Ben Platt learned reading Leo Frank’s letters (April 10, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives

JLife, Solving a Family Mystery (April 2, 2023, mentioned)
Topic » Unearthed / YIVO Archives

Campaign Against Antisemitism, Podcast Against Antisemitism | S3 E22 (March 23, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / YIVO History

Campaign Against Antisemitism, Executive Director and CEO of YIVO Jonathan Brent exposes the lie that Jews went “like sheep to the slaughter” during the Holocaust (March 23, 2023)
Topic » YIVO Archives / YIVO History

Jewish Link, A Journey to the Past (March 23, 2023, mentioned)
Topic » Unearthed / YIVO Archives

MarketWatch, The Jerry Seinfeld effect? Jewish people are viewed most favorably among U.S. religious groups, a new survey says (March 23, 2023, mention)
Topic » Antisemitism

The Jewish Standard, ‘Refugees Together’ (March 16, 2023, mention)
Topic » YIVO Archives

JTA, My grandmother was a ‘Sherlock Holmes of Yiddish song,’ but she couldn’t solve the mystery of antisemitism (March 8, 2023, mention)
Topic » Chana Mlotek: Celebrating a Life of Yiddish Song

Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija, ‘Even the fireplace was full of books’. Digitised archive to help rediscover Nobel-nominated Litvak writer (March 19, 2023, also in Lithuanian)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

Jewish News, Millions of Bund pages to be digitised for posterity (March 9, 2023)
Topic » The Jewish Labor and Political Archive

JTA, YIVO will digitize a trove of Jewish leftist history (March 8, 2023, picked up by Cleveland Jewish News, YNetNews, and Jewish Post and News)
Topic » The Jewish Labor and Political Archive

The New York Times, In the Papers of Yiddish Novelist Chaim Grade, Clues to His Lesser Fame (March 6, 2023, picked up by ArtDaily)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

In geveb, YIVO Finds More Archival Documents in Biden Home (March 4, 2023, Purim parody)
Topic » YIVO Archives

New York Jewish Week, March comes in with a roar of new Yiddish music (March 3, 2023, picked up by Jewish Journal, The Jerusalem Post, and WBGO)
Topic » Yiddish Music / Chana Mlotek: Celebrating a Life of Yiddish Song

The Borscht Belt TattlerEddy Portnoy | YIVO (February 27, 2023, podcast)
Topic » Jewish History / YIVO Archives

The Forward, YIVO to digitize millions of documents from Jewish Labor Bund (February 22, 2023)
Topic » The Jewish Labor and Political Archive

Jewish Renaissance, The digitisation of a 20th-century legend (February 20, 2023)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

Hyperallergic, Shalom and Pass the Joint (February 13, 2023)
Topic » Am Yisrael High: The Story of Jews and Cannabis

JNS, Writings of notable Yiddish novelist known for ‘moral intensity’ now available online (February 10, 2023, picked up by Cleveland Jewish News)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

Bet Magazine Mosaico, L’intero archivio di Chaim Grade digitalizzato e disponibile online (February 8, 2023)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

San Diego Jewish World, Digitization of the Papers of Chaim Grade, Inna Hecker Grade Now Publicly Available (February 6, 2023, also in Diario Judio and Jewish Websight)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

JTA, YIVO digitizes writer Chaim Grade’s archive, a Yiddish treasure with a soap opera backstory (February 5, 2023, picked up by Times of Israel, Jerusalem Post, Mosaic Magazine, Cleveland Jewish News, Jewish Journal, Baltimore Jewish Times, Jewish Exponent, American Israelite, The Forward, The Forverts, Radio JAI, and Bharat Times)
Topics » The Papers of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker Grade

Tablet Magazine, Lithuanian Time Travel (January 30, 2023, mention)
Topics » 700 Years of Vilnius, A City of Translation / History of YIVO

Tablet Magazine, The Legend of Max Weinreich (January 27, 2023)
Topics » History of YIVO / Yiddish

Sapir, The Jewish Future Needs Yiddish (Winter 2023)
Topics » and all the days were purple / Yiddish

I24 News, New UN Exhibit Tells Story of Aftermath of Holocaust (January 26, 2023)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

JNS, Exhibit on displaced persons camps opens at UN in New York (January 26, 2023)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

Haaretz, New Exhibit Shatters Myths About Jewish Life in Displaced Persons Camps (January 17, 2023)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

Portland State University Judaic Studies, New Exhibit Shatters Myths About Jewish Life in Displaced Persons Camps (January 17, 2023, Instagram)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

JNS, New exhibit on DP camps showcases ‘extraordinary energy’ of the Jewish people (January 13, 2023, picked up by Cleveland Jewish News and Akron Jewish News)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

Hadassah, After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps (January 12, 2023, Instagram)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

New York Jewish Week, U.N. exhibit remembers when the world turned its back on stateless Jewish refugees (January 10, 2023, picked up by Times of Israel, Jewish Journal, Cleveland Jewish News, Jerusalem Post, The Forward, Arutz Sheva, Philadelphia Jewish Exponent, Baltimore Jewish Times, Intermountain Jewish News, Washington Jewish Week, Heritage Florida Jewish News, and Ynetnews)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

The Forward, After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps (January 6, 2023, Instagram)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

Jewish Standard, Coming back to life (January 5, 2023, picked up by New Jersey Jewish News)
Topic » After the End of the World: Displaced Persons and Displaced Persons Camps

NY Jewish Week, On stage and in the classroom, Mikhl Yashinsky is stoking the flame of the Yiddish revival (January 4, 2023, mention, picked up by Times of Israel and  Cleveland Jewish News)
Topic » Yiddish

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